My new hero v anti broadband capping

I totally am donating to this guy



I voted for that guy!

lets hope it goes through


I just don’t see any reason for these rules other than pure greed.

They say the average user uses about 2-3 GB a year which makes perfect sense. My parents for example use it for email and a couple songs a week and thats it. The majority of these people should offset the higher usage people find. Also, as more and more people switch to VoIP and draw more usage, the providers are starting to make people eat costs of them saving money and not using traditional phone and other online services like video streaming which should be illegal. I hope this goes through.

“The company says bandwidth hogs need to pay their fair share and maintain that if the company doesn’t get enough money to build new infrastructure, “internet brownouts” will be inevitable.”

ROFL… maybe its because a good portion of the TW network is on L3, and last I heard L3 wasn’t doing so well on the books … :shrug:

TWC needs to stop before they hurt themselves. I don’t foresee this taking off, and especially for all you guys in Buffalo no need to worry as long as FiOS is in the area.

I know TW is working on rolling out QoS…

Basically this

I know L3 is changing up its services offerings…they won’t do a lot of a lot smaller connections now…T1s and a few other products…

Which is why they are doing this in rochester :lol: No FIOS so its TW or Frontier DSL.

A little update of the Time Warner/FCC battle:

Time Warner vs Texas:

This may be a dumb question, but what about us gamers? Playing an online game probably sucks up more of that then a video right?

Back in the day yes, now a days not really.

You would be suprised. Mondern games are pretty optimized and only send a few KB a second during most times. All graphics are local so all you are getting from the server is small updates.

I campaigned for this guy. It was pretty hard to get him in there, his district represents a lot of hillbillies in the southern tier.

Unfortunately, the guys i campaigned for won every district except my own :frowning: