Fuck twc

Not here yet, but coming… sucks for you guys in Rochester though…


I’ll seriously find any other internet company that doesnt cap if they do this, its complete bullshit…

Internet should be free IMO… but thats never going to happen but capping usage and charging for over usage…

I could easily go thru 20-40gigs a month, fuck I could go thru that in a week

Me too. One XBox 360 game is 6.8-7.6GB. One movie is 4.3GB. One PC game is 2-4GB. This is nonsense.

I upload as much as I download to maintain at LEAST a 1:1 ratio.

lets all strike again TW and go to verizon or somthing.

I’m waiting for Verizon to offer FIOS in my area. I’ll ditch TW so fast they won’t know what hit em.

I download about 3 HD Movies a week, a few more Normal sized (700mb). Lots of music, and stream TV programs constantly…

I realy could go thru that bandwidth margin in about a week or two…

The 5% of heavy users consume so much data in the form of multimedia downloads and the like that they slow down the network for the average subscriber

I’m sorry thats bullshit… More and more people are catching on to movie downloads/streaming TV, and with say iTunes and Netflix and other services offering downloadable movies/tv shows and streaming, more and more people are becomming “heavy users” I watch an article on TV about a couple whos computer illiterate, but to save money canceled their cable service, bought a Home Theatre PC and download/watch all their movies form that…

I want FiOS anyways… But it’s not in a lot of this area yet, soon as it does I’m geting it.


Soon as FiOS is availible time warner is getting the fuckin can…

and they have deals with direct tv, they will probably get my buisness too

yea if they fuck with my service i will shit on my bill and mail it back to them, then switch to something else.

LMAO. That would be awesome.

that’s not illegal right? that would blow dick to get arrested for…


blame it on the clepto retard down the street, i know a guy thats good at impersonations LOL

around here i could probably get away with a story like that. my neighbors are fucking dirtbags.

its only funny if you take a video of said shitting
then throw it in the mailbox !!!