Laptop Broadband access (5gb cap)

I am looking to get a boardband card from Verizon or Cingular for my over nights at work to bring my laptop and play video games. I noticed that most of the data caps are at 5gb for 60$ish/month. Is this enough for online based video games for a month? Videos? etc. Someone please school me on laptop broadband access!

I have the verizon broadband for my laptop and one month i went almost 1 gig over before i realized it. it cost me an extra 130 for that month. My biggest problem was that I forgot to manually switch over to wifi when i got home and i was downloading a bunch of crap. Most other months i have been pretty close to the limit and all i do is surf normal sites, email a crap load and watch some you tube crap. I would cancel it but i don’t feel like paying the 175.

Depends what you do. My iPhone alone uses about 4GB a month and thats email, internet radio, and youtube alot with the occasional download.

Check out the Cricket wireless card they talk about on the radio. They make it sound like they promote home use for it so they might have a higher cap.

yeah according to their customer service rep, cricket has no cap on their card and it is only 40 something a month.

A cheaper option might be looking into a tethering option for your cell phone. If you have a data plan, its usually only an additional $20 a month.

tethering is $60 on vzw without a data plan

and there is still a 5gb cap.

AFAIK Verizon’s terms of use exclude video games, streaming video (youtube etc) and is intended for business use. They may have revised it since I had a card tho…

you are correct sir.

They do. A friend of mine was paying 80/mo for one since he couldnt get Internet at his house. He downloaded music, browsed youtube, and just did email and they sent him a cancellation notice due to violation of TOS… sucks.

damn sounds like this is def. not the way to go if it stays capped at 5gb. Well thanks for the info. guys. Wishing cricket was down in cleveland.

Wireless providers crack me up.

“Hey we provide internet access…but you can’t use it for anything useful.”

Kinda like Honda selling a car that you are not allowed to put gas in.

Back when it was unlimited they didn’t support streaming video, video games, voip, etc. but after they set the 5gb cap they do now support all of that.