If you use a broadband internet card, come in here

Im looking at getting internet for my apartment and have recently considered those nifty wireless internet cards from verizon. Anyone have any experience with these? Do the really work that well or should I just get typical DSL/cable for the house? I usually work doubles so I have about 1.5 hours of downtime between shifts so I go to starbucks next door. It would be nice to have my computer and internet to mess around on. What are your opinions?

If starbucks is next door you should beable to pick up there wireless signal?

Despite being about 80/mo for unlimited, it is nice to go anywhere however in the contract it states you can only use it for browsing and email. Start downloading anything/uploading a few photos to websites and you will get canned.

Seen it happen to 2 friends who rarely downloaded music, but occasionally uploaded pictures.

can’t be used for gaming, sometimes really slow, check your evdo signal in your apt or wherever you would most likely use it

Wait, where do you live now?!?

/\ nc

Wait, as in the state NC?

When the shit did that go down?

like 2 months ago.
can u go other coffee shop, or is starbucks the only option?

i got the verizon card and like it.

its pretty cool going down the 90 in your car and cruizing the web.

ive had it since jan and frequently upload/download with no probs

Read the fine print. Verizon broadband is not intended as a replacement for in-home service. If you use it as such (read: constantly) you’re violating terms of service and they’ll shut you down.

I borrowed one from a friend of mine when Time Warner f’ed up and disconnected our internet like 2 weeks earlier than they were scheduled to.

It worked great, but I was warned that even though he had unlimited bandwidth, I couldn’t upload or download anything, or play any games online. It was strictly for general surfing and getting email. According to him they will do audits on accounts to make sure you aren’t doing anything intensive.

Not sure how 100% truth that is, but that’s what I was told.

yeah if they catch you downloading torrents or shit like that they will remove your service

verizon wireless is great for checking email and shit when you are on the road, but don’t buy it to use as your primary connection. there are too many restrictions, and it’s too hit or miss.

im not worried


If you go to a major metropolitan area, you also get EVDO RevA

fooking nuts, i got like, 2MB (not bit) down

buffalo is rev a

Im 10mins outside charlotte. to use the internet at starbucks, you need to have a t-mobile account or some bullshit like that.

iv got a verizon card ill sell…jeff its the one i bought from you and the sons of bitches cancelled it on me. ill sel it pretty cheal considering ill never use it again. maybe u want it back to sell again? lol i dunno sombody buy it from me

wait whats ur last name? are you nikki’s brother? shit man i had no idea…check your PM’s