My new toy:

Well after a ton of heavy thinking and changing my mind, i finally stepped up and signed the papers for the 2006 Kawasaki Ninja 636. Ive been toying with the idea for over 4 months on a serious level. A fellow co-worker let me take his KTM for a spin at work friday on lunch, and right after work the same day i went and bought the ninja lol. I know a lot dont care for the green, but i went with it because its caught my eyes well before i started riding and i guess the color has always stuck with me.

BTW: Its the newest vehicle i’ve ever owned by over 12 years lol…

Not the actual bike, but identical…

Comments welcome!

Nice dood, just watch out for lightning

lol i know wtf is up with that :ohnoes:

Good luck, your gonna need it.

woo hooooo shrives ull be able to keep up with me now haha nothin but love homie

:tup: a buddy of mine just picked one of those up like 2 months ago, very hot bike

that’s hot. :tup: to the purchase

haha no racin for me, can’t afford to reinact what happened last summer on my old ninja…

verrrrry nice


anyone want to make me a cool sig?? i think its time to update that… pwease

nice bike…be careful goddamnit!!!

:tup: nice man
sux i think i just sold mine

wtf are you serious?

everyone is selling :frowning: i hope there’s still a few guys left on her to ride with the rest of summer…

good looking shrives

I have been looking for one for quite a while now. When I find the right one I will defaintely be back on a gixxer again. Nice bike btw, very hot.


Nice purchase

I’m doing some teeeeenking about getting a bike

Looks sick Shrives! Can’t wait to see it dude.

Nice!! Personally I like it better than the VW… :wink:

that wasnt needed