my next car

:eek2: :eek2: :eek3: :eek3: :burnout:


Whats done to it?

god damn

it looks like its turbocharged.:smiley:

seen that before

it’s a 577ci bbc on alky

um im gonna ask how many HP is 1x32???


well, 1 times 32 is 32 …so 32 hp??

not bad :bowdown:

damn i bet he has hi MPH trap… watch out dean :blah:


too mush useless power not getting down on the pavement, sick fucking car though!

thats pretty sick…

how the fuck do u figure?

Same car??

y argue? think about it for a second,sorry i was ripping on a fucking 1000+ hp car that will unfortunatley spin all the way down the track thus in return hurting times jackass!

how the fuck do u figure that car is going to spin the whole way down the track jack ass. what gives u the idea its not going to get traction? are u making this assumption b/c it smoked the tires off on a dyno?? if soo, please / urself from the sport of drag racing

do u even know who madman racing is???

and i am the e-thug:nuts:

did i say i was going to beat u up? did i say im going to rip ur head off? no. all i said was how the fuck do u figure it wont have traction, all im sayin is, if u dont know what ur talkin about, keep ur mouth shut, or say how u know its not goin to get traction…basically, put up or shut up

my guess is 1632-1832