My old Mustang GT destroyed

This kinda made me upset…

The guy i sold it to sent me an e mail today asking for recipts for performance parts, i asked why and i recieved these pictures…

When i owned it :

And After the reatard “went into a ditch and hydroplaned for 400 yards”

Was it underwater???

sure looks like it was, ditches are not usually 400 yards wide… he lives in the rochester area. Maybe he went into the fucking lake. Looks like a swamp :frowning:

It looks like he hydroplaned into a farmers hay field. With all the tall grass and shit on it.



Wow what a loss, he must of been trying to be the next DK but failed.

Ok I will say it. THAT WILL BUFF OUT.

I should have never sold it ughh

1 less POS mustang :tup:

yup another pony bites the dust , or water in this case

I would probably not give him the receipts.

:meh: I love the new edges…

Yeah he can suck me off, i just looked at his facebook, apparently he was trashed (big suprise) and he got $12K for the car, i sold it to him for 13k in 2007 so fuck him.

can I suck you off?

oh jeez

Sell him the receipts?

He got his $$$ Just tell him you don’t have them any more.

Print out his facebook page and send it to his insurance company :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t help the kid at all.

On another random note, obviously I guess the extent of water damage is unknown…

but maybe you could buy it really cheap if you so desired.

At least he didn’t kill anyone.

I would offer him the receipts for $500 then show his insurance company his facebook. Maybe he will learn a lesson. Maybe not who knows.

i wouldnt give a shit about a lesson. sell him the receipts, if he doesnt want to buy them show his insurance company the facebook