My phone takes rediculously good pictures

the sony erisson k250 has a 3.2 mp on it

sprint has a 2.0 mp phone thats already out, the only downfall to it is that theres no cover for the lens

good quality

very nice… can it take good video too?

C5 z06 > nsx. end story

Wow…to each his own and all…but that’s absurd. End story…

oh shitz, iwannaz ENDED THE STORY!!!

Wow and I never would have thought the z06 was better until you ended the story either. Thanks man!!!poop!!!

ah true, faster, newer, cheaper, better looking does not = better, what was i thinking for agreeing

Faster? In a straight line, yeah, but who cares? The NSX on a road course would embarass it, as it would embarass many cars. The handling, road-holding and steering response is far better, which does in fact make the NSX faster in many other ways. NOT purely straight line.

Newer? '05 vs. '05? Ok…

Cheaper? Yeah, absolutely, you pay for what you get. An exotic car made entirely of aluminum will prob. cost more than a corvette.

Better looking? That’s completely subjective, but I"ll throw my $.02 in like you. NSX is beautiful. The chevy is not at all.

There’s a few ways to look at it. I’m not bashing corvette people. Everyone has an opinion.

The Z06 would take out the NSX on a road course. I think people forget that the Z06 pulls over a 1.0G on the skid pad and is infact a fantastic road course car as well as at the drag stip. It costs $30k less then the nsx as well.

The NSX in my opinion is one of the most beautiful cars ever created and given the choice between a Z06 and NSX, i’d be driving the NSX. Its a fun car, light weight, mid engine exotic which looks amazing. Just kinda expensive for the performance you get out of it.

NOTE: I was going to buy an NSX before the vette, but didn’t really want to pay 30k for a car that was 12 years old with 70k miles.

I can respect that. It is in fact a competent car, for many different things, but I guess it just depends on what you’re looking for. The NSX is tossable, light (relatively), agile, fast, and reliable as a Civic. Those things are just so appealing to me.

To each his own. That’s whats cool about this site. A whole lot of different cars. Hopefully someone will infact one day get an NSX on here…

You’re right Joe, to each his own… because I prefer straight line racing anyday to something along the lines of road course queen vehicle. And the lines of the NSX are completely unattractive in my eyes. But if people like it, who am I to say what’s “cool” and what’s not. I’m not God.


my statement doesnt meant that that nsx outhandles, outperforms, etc., it just means if someone has the money for an nsx then they will most likely choose one over a z06. the z06 is nothing special when you look at it. while it is an amazing performer for the money, its still just a corvette.

I’d pick the vett. I don’t really picture the NSX as a race car in either catagory. If they were you would see them more often. At that price range there are a bunch of other better options.

Well if I had the money, I would still buy a Z06, which I think looks better, whoop the shit outta the nsx on the strip or road course, and spend 30 grand less. to each their own.

if i had the money i would get something a german decent Porsche…maybe Japanese…Skyline…

ive seen that car driving around before an older guy owns it i think ive passes him a few times on clinton and union




Cmon Joe, I thought you were more knowledgable about cars to make a statement like that. Don’t get me wrong, I like the NSX alot, but to think it would smoke a track-proven car like a C5 Corvette is ludicrous. It is out-gunned, out-tired, and out-braked. A stock Z06 has an incredibly good suspension. Adjustable for front caster, front and rear camber, front and rear toe and ride height. Stock. An NSX would be a better match for a C4 Corvette.

i’d take a new z06 over a older nsx

Z06 are fastttttt :tspry: