1st run of the year was…
60ft - 1.803
330 - 4.903
1/8 - 7.364
mph - 101.23
1000 - 9.470
1/4 - 11.226
mph - 128.92
93octane and 25psi
1st run of the year was…
60ft - 1.803
330 - 4.903
1/8 - 7.364
mph - 101.23
1000 - 9.470
1/4 - 11.226
mph - 128.92
93octane and 25psi
no 10’s no care
Very impressive :tup:
That 60’ should be at least 3 tenths quicker though. Are you spinning off the line?
good job :tup:
slow pos
damn very nice wish we could have got a run in looks like it would have been dead even
nice gary:tup:
lookin good :tup:
I could get the 60’s down but it was my first time out for the year. On the street the car is totally different because I break all 4 loose and go straight to redline. So the 2 step was set up according to what worked best on the street and hoped for the best at the track. Which it worked ok but I could have bumped the 2step up to 6000k or antilagged. My clutch is made for slipping so I don’t have to break parts. I had to get used to the clutch and no to very little wheel spin on the track.
These are not excuses at all I am very very happy with my times and the car in general. Next year will be all sorted out and time for a goal of 9’s.
12’s were ok last year. But I’ve always had a personal goal of 9’s.
Fast as fuck Gary. Were you guys sandbagging with the MR? Nice work.
Man up with up that thing already… We can get your car into the 10’s on pump if you ever get it out of retirement.
btw thanks…
congrads on the PB