My pumpgas stock bolt on bitch

Congrats man lots of nice cars being built in the area cant wait to start racing in b-lo again. BTW good idea with the 9s thats what im talking about. WOOT!

I’ll see ya’ll at the track next year! I’m not out for braggin rights or anything just my own goals… so don’t expect any drama from me. Unless I have to race something 13’s or slower as I’ve never went that slow and don’t want to know what its like.

Ah personal best…lol I thought Bill was serious for a second and there was a new racing term I didn’t know.

wow that things movin! Great job put a little :tspry: on it

Nice Gary Burch.

Thanks Matt are you modivated to get your pos out yet or what…This was all for you man!

Next year… I already have the kit.

We’ll talk about that in a few days… :wink:

sucks your first run of the year was the last day of the year for NYI…

Better late then never! Great job Gary!

was that pass with a silver gp? if not it was cory.