my rant

okay so i just moved into this place with my moms in barrie its my first dishwasher and i just put lots of dish soap in it and now there in foam everywhere end rant bang bang

ehh… I’m not sure if its dish soap you’re supposed to put in :confused: I think its some liquid detergent shit as well as that powder shit in the separate spring-release tray thing

John you fail! Yeah its suppose to be dish detergent… How many moms you living with? bahahaha

Here’s another problem I found:

[QUOTE=kollo;449166]okay so i just moved into this place with my moms in barrie its my first dishwasher and i just put lots of dish soap[/QUOTE]

I also found another problem :confused:

lol dish soap is not for dish washers looooooooooooooooool fucking epic! i lol at you but no hard feelings man.

you have ur mom living there , why do u need two dish washers ???


lol …just add more and you’ll be good

haha fuck me it tokk all night for the bubles to die down inside the dishwasher


really you admit this?

farmer ftw

Haha, I did this a few years ago when we ran out of dishwasher detergent.
Mine came out of the dishwasher, and covered the floor with bubbles…it was pretty sweet.

p.s. I was like 17 so yeah I was stupid…haha



Spelling error? or do you have 2 moms, its cool if you do lol

no just one lol


^what moping floor with out a mop or only have 1 mom atm lol
