My Review of the Palm Pre (Sprint)

a few things,

  1. thanks for telling me about the button to turn off sounds, awesome.

  2. I’m sensing a lot of anger about my review, its ok, deep breath.

  3. “Lack of storage space” storage is storage, 8gb is tiny compared to competitive products in the same price range.

  4. “Slow” you say it takes 2-3 seconds to load a program, this is a long time (when compared to competitive products.)

  5. “dock/menu” Sure I could leave everything open, but that would kill my battery quicker, and then whats the point of a menu at all?

  6. Numbers: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 can all be found on competitive products (and some for less money.)

return, cancel sprint, get AT&T and then get iPhone 3GS

No worries man. We’re entitled to our opinions. Agree to disagree.

You’re welcome about the sound button.

No thanks. I love my Pre and I have zero issues with service/reception. AT&T + iPhone = Not that much better. Agree to disagree :).