My Run at LVD (Video)


hey i got a vid of ur run ill throw it up on here for ya when its uploaded


yeah i duno what it is with everyone who drives vettes at the track, but most of them run WAY off from what they should.

Mustang owners seem to have the same problem…

its ok mike we still love u lol

the worst part is mike ran better or close to the same times than every GT mustang last night, except one. (there were like 6 or 7) and even the Mach 1’s and cobras didnt do that well. its like… depressing.

You forgot to add in the part about be having ~60 less hp. ;D

oh yah, thats why its terrbile. Long ass gears and =60Hp and these guys can’t get into the 14’s :idiots

its ok mike ur a better than em all :confused

[youtube=425,350]<object width=“425” height=“344”><param name=“movie” value=“”></param><param name=“allowFullScreen” value=“true”></param><embed src=“” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” allowfullscreen=“true” width=“425” height=“344”></embed></object>[/youtube]

here ya go if it works…

works… someone needs to go w/ a camera taht zooms and focuses :lol

i got a new one thats my old one i wanna test it next week maybe or ill test it friday at the lot :ninja if theres nething worth while

edit: it zooms just checked it out shoulda brought that last night my bad

Awesome. Thanks!

You can clearly hear the clutch slipping in that video.

replace that bitch then lol

It’s not Vettes but a combo of street tires / RWD.

Or, the low end torque? :confused

Seems in the ball park.

Run flats suck balls, i smoked the ties on my 1-2 shift. My best as stated is a 13.3 at 108.xx and i have a catback.

Nice run

who cares what it runs, its beautiful

:+1 true

yah i def wasn’t trying to say anything about his run, just saying in general a bunch of clowns run at valley. i dont care what they say the issue is… RWD cars cut better 60’s so these mustang GT owners really need to get their shit together. I drive nothing but hondas for the most part and i doubt i’d run a 15, consistantly all night in a V8 mustang even first time driving.