My S14 98 & S13

Hi guys,
I 'm new here, I live at quebec city for the moment but, i go to Calgary in 1-2 month (perhaps front). I have two 240sx, one 1991 and one 1998 (the 97-98 are very rare in Quebec).

sorry for my english.

here the pics.

Don’t worry you aren’t the only french guy here. :partyman:

Nice cars. What do you have for mods?

I have no mods for the moment.
Next projects ( in order): Rims 18" with a better offset , Tein Coilover , 300zx brake upgrade , swap sr20det, and front bumper.

Nice looking ride - +1 to your cool factor. And, -1 to mine for actually typing this. :smiley:

common thats mean. -1 for you mod factor +1 cool factor -1 pyrexxx :finga:

-3 to Chris for yellow. :vom:

Nice cars, welcome to the forums.

Why does everyone always pick on me? :smiley: But then again, Yellow DOES get the ladies. No one can joke about THAT anymore. :smiley:

Anyway, I want to see your car once you put the wheels and other stuff on it 240rpm! I really like that body style - so sessy! :slight_smile:

I’m just joking man. :E

There’s nothing I like more than the Kouki headlights.

Ah, bienvenue. Ton S-Quatorze est belle. I’ll y’a peu de kouki qui frequent Calgary et encore moins en Edmonton, car ca va etre un addition bien accepte.

B-Wurm :smiley:
PS: Excuse mon grammaire et la manque de les accents. I’ll y’a trois ans depuis j’etait en l’imersion francais.

Welcome to Calgary. I’m from Iberville (QC), I’ve been here for about 5 years now. You’ll catch on the language. Let me know if you have any question. What brings you to Calgary??


Thank you Madmax & everyone for your comments.
I go has Calgary to improve my English, i have a friend who lives Calgary and also that seems me to be a beautiful city.

Pas de probleme mon homme. Ca fais plaisir.

Let us know when you get here.


c’est vraiment un ville beau, plus belle que l’Edmonton :smiley: just kidding we are closer to the mountains tho!