My Snowmobile for Sale - Serious Riders

Hey everyone. Just wanted to let you know that my snowmobile is for sale on ebay. Its a sweet and sick sled, great for someone who is really into riding. I will not be able to ride it much due to a new position I took at work that requires a lot of traveling. Check it out…|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318


nice sled, except why sell it now? You have a month and a half left of beautiful conditions

buyers remorse is a bitch…

lol. nice sled!

Not sure why you would put “serious riders” in the title… cause i would just wanna sell my sled to anyone who can afford it, but anyways


nice sled. I wish I had one, and nice conditions to enjoy it.

Thanks for the complimentsn everyone.

I am selling the sled now becuase I really won’t be able to ride it for the rest of the season due to work, and why have it sit and get a year old when someone can enjoy it.

I really do not regret buying it. I had a blast on it during the last 2 months. Ya I am gonna loose a decent buck. But thats life…