my talon vs SRT8 jeep

Had a 2 runs with my buddy in his jeep. I still have to upload the roll race.

This ones from a dig his jeep ran 12.4 in the 1/4th with 1.7 60 foots

Good runs the jeep deffently moves for an suv. He had no passenger I had one.

your hungry for V8’s?

I can’t see shit!!!

Do you have FP2’s?

yes he does

ones in my class not 10sec ones.

lol I can see fine

I got smoked by an SRT 8 jeep roll racing in NJ on Wednesday in the 08 STi. Those things move out.

Nice driving jason. We have to get to the track. I told you it would be in the 12’s safely on pump gas.

lol. you should have bought the ls1 you were talking about.
You would be in the 10s already with what you spent.

nice runs bro :slight_smile:

Cant wait :slight_smile: alot of credit goes out to gary for quality work

Nice Jason. Your 1g is beast, haha especially with all the work into it you remember how it was when you first got it.

Excellent job Gary.

Plus that Jeep is so loud lol.

Try it from a dig. Those bastards blow away most.

Nice :tup:

nice runs

is this the same jeep that wanted to race me for money?

Cool runs. I do HATE when people don’t know how to do the 3 beeps though. It’s not supposed to be like this:

beep… beep… beep!

thumbs up. DSM ftw

1st run was from a dig