My Tongue...

Every time I hear about someone piercing their tongue I alway remember Robin Williams Live on Broadway.

Jump to 2:22 to understand what I mean…


and your GAY!!![/quote]


OWNED there is no escape … just take it like man or a woman hahahhah

I lol’d

This is why you never post a picture of yourself on NECC or never let an NECC member take a picture of you. There are some nasty photoshops of some members out there.

lol as said above never post a pic. of yourself.too many guys with photoshop :lol: Had a friend he pierced his tongue and it got infected :vom:

btw^ that was a 20 sec edit in Microsoft paint.

the chick on the left is hot

uhh… that’s ME dude,



I pm’d you my number…


lol… oh my…

its just no fun when you insult someone and they dont even get the joke.

hahaha still waiting on that pm

haha im surprised hes not all over you by now. hope u enjoy his tongue piercing.


holy shit u guys are gay
evan introduce me to your gf and i will give u a nice gay guy u can hook up with
since ur not too busy with her…oooooo,owned.

and cut ur hair u hippy.

btw evans kool dont be hatin’ unless u know him