Threads these days

Okay guys (and gurls) I have been finding that too many threads are starting to go way off topic and this is my thoughts and concerns about it;

  1. It destroys a thread and it’s ability/credibility to help answer either a members’ or a forum visitor’s question or concern.

  2. It makes new members or forum visitor’s feel alienated from the Forum, hell most of the time I feel like every thread turns into some kind of inside joke that everyone but me knows about.

So basically what this thread is about is trying to see just how many people feel this is happening too often. I read all of the comments that those of you were good enough to leave when filling out that survey and I know that most of the comments were not directly related to this, but definately holds validity to this issue, hell just from what people in this thread: have said I know I’m not the only one who thinks this way, so come on NECC “Why Not Speak Up When Everybody’s Listening” :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s only three or four guys that are bad for this, if you ask me. If it makes you feel any better, no one besides them gets those “inside” jokes either :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, I think it happens too often. I don’t even check the FWD forums anymore because it’s full of that stuff, and I’m not the only one. Keep the off-topic crap in the off-topic forum.

  • Mike

we are sitting at 4-0 right now.

This post is off-topic.

Or is it on topic?

Wrap your head around that one.

But to stay on-topic here (haha), I agree to a point, but I don’t think N-E-C-C is a busy enough forum for it to be a problem.

I think a bigger problem is too many subforums. There should be
-Auto/Nissan Chat
-General off-topic
-Technical (this would be RWD, FWD and Installations in one)
-Users rides
-Marketplace (this can keep all the subforums)

This will make the place look busier and promote more posting.

I just realised talking about subforums is off-topic. sorry.

If its in the off topic section, then its fine. The club has to be fun, and if people find joking with each other like that fun, I’m not going to stop it. But if it gets in the way of serious thread it should be deleted.

About the subforums, we have slowly expanded them due to demand for the subforums. I like more subforums because you can target searches better (sometimes) and it keeps things more organized. I’m happy with the number of them right now. :slight_smile:

Its a huge problem…

FWD is horrible… Not saying all the Spec V guys are doing it, but simply i’ve stopped asking here because its always “GET A SPEC V” which isnt going to happen… or “FWD Suck” …

We need either more mods or more punishment to people who are off topic…

I’m not even going to post on this one, because I’m sure everyone in the club knows how I feel about it. I don’t think that a few misguided posts here and there take away from the fun of the forum or drive prospective members away, after all, remember that a lot of the distractions are fun and fun is what the club is supposed to be about.

Maybe its not a concern of whether people go off topic in threads. Mostly if someone were to jack a thread would be a bigger problem. (I’ve done this once and the mod quickly just moved my comments to a new thread) A little off-topic once in awhile isn’t bad but when a thread gets hijacked its not good.

What i don’t get is how a technical thread can end up with someone saying “touch me i am a gay bastard” and be helpfull. Off_topic is fine but when someone needs help??

And the new members post are brutal. If i just joined and people were saying what has been said in there i would think this is a gay support community. Do we want new member or do we want to scare them away??

First, is it possible to post " I am not going to post…" without posting the post? :rolleyes:

Yes the club is supposed to be about fun but the club is also supposed to be about information and when one asks for information and doesn’t get it because people jack the thread or go off topic it is not “fun”. It is frustrating. This is a prime example.

There is no place for off topic stuff anywhere on the forum except in off topic. That is what it is for. IMO.

As a compromise, maybe we can let off topic stuff go a bit in ‘serious’ threads if included in each post is also actual content that addresses the intent of the original post. For example:

Original post = Can I put this or that part on my car?
Good answer = No, because (insert informative answer).
Tolerable good answer = No, because (insert informative answer) + it is rice, or gay.
Unacceptable answer = Why would you want to do that?! That is so rice, or gay…

I have demonstrated the “tolerable” option in how I wrote this post. I flamed Kris :smiley: and then advanced the discussion. If I had just flamed Kris it may have amused me but would not have respected what the original post was about.

Everyone has a phone…USE IT if you want to ask each other out on a date. :lol:


But i left my phone at your fathers house last night as i was having intercorse with your mother.

THAT IS OFF-TOPIC. Just like 90% of the thread in the last couple weeks.

I only voted yes cuz there is not enough smart topics. People need to post more about what they are doing and more technical things! not things about how I like my gay wheels or bla bla bla??? Whatever!


But i left my phone at your fathers house last night as i was having intercorse with your mother.

THAT IS OFF-TOPIC. Just like 90% of the thread in the last couple weeks.[/quote]

Off-topic? Yes. Made me laugh? Yes.

We just need to separate technical stuff about cars from funny BS, as some of us enjoy them both.


But i left my phone at your fathers house last night as i was having intercorse with your mother.

THAT IS OFF-TOPIC. Just like 90% of the thread in the last couple weeks.[/quote]

Off-topic? Yes. Made me laugh? Yes.

We just need to separate technical stuff about cars from funny BS, as some of us enjoy them both.[/quote]


that is why we have an off-topic

But how can you respond with a witty remark to someone else’s post in a non-off topic thread then? It doesn’t quite work that way.

If you look at my posts in the FWD Forum about the Sentra photochop, sure, there were a few gay jokes, but I still added a sensical post to each one about the topic at hand.

Hmm, considering what a sausage fest our meets are, I thought peeps would appreciate a few gay jokes. :E

You can be witty…well…you may. I don’t know if YOU can. Just advance the discussion on the original intent of the thread.

I was referring to situations where you could make a joke and get a laugh without advancing the particular topic. Gay jokes aside, one could make a funny statement in a thread about, say, 240sx wiring without actually having anything real to contribute to the convo and have everyone enjoy it.

See my last post as an example. Joked, but continued the discussion. It’s not that hard.

If the thread is about wiring. Make a wiring joke. But if the discussion is about wiring for an SR don’t make a joke about wiring someone’s jaw shut for something they said in the thread.

Anyway. I’m out.

Umm there are lots of witty remarks that are not gay. And a few gay jokes would be ok, but them comming up in every second thread makes them way to common.