My trip to Europe PICS Italy, Romania, Malta, Belgium, Holland, Germany

not enough pics


I have 11.4 GB

jesussss… get a fuckn online photo album!!

i dont want to scroll through 400 pics each time i load the thread

this thread will easily crash a few people’s browsers

Am-Dam and the rest. The blue Renault Twingo was our rental.

OK thats it, Im done.


you cannot post 1000000 pics in one thread

this is gonna easily crash some people’s browsers!

plus it makes it hella annoying to read new posts

just link us to an album!!

Nice pics… you must have had tons of fun. I hate u!

thats the 575gtc
anyway looks lika great trip! gota go to europe someday soon… canada is mad boring

sick man

i am planing a trip for this year aswell