My Turbo E30 thread, ABORTED. info on page 7, post 170.

So…you’re buying an e30 to b00st now too…right?

ugh…please don’t get me started…lol

pulling the engine made me miss my EF sooo much.

i hate myself.

We can get that bitch on a stand later this week and clean up the block and put the head on…ect. :slight_smile:

yes we can :slight_smile:

ill have ian bring the van over and throw my stand in it and shit.

i wanna learn body work lol…so we’ll do that too…shave the bay…paint…ill tuck it :slight_smile:

go buy MS so i can wire it in lol…i’m in the mood to have a soldering iron in my hand.

yes steve…have fun editing my post…i know you’re going to.

this build better be ready for summer, bigtymer all ready backed out, now you better have something that can stay up with teh del sickness

Bring something for us to do in school haha… I dont wanna put the junk school tranny back together.

Megasquirt is most likely going to be plug and play…for the $100 more why not?

Should be done by June, I hope. Not sure I’ll be as fast as you but who knows?
Could be a fun run!

Lol, If you wanna help me rebuild my tranny I’ll be bringing it in on Thursday.

i have a spare tranny, 50 bucks and its yours.

Yesterday in school Al(TheKID) and myself started to tear down the tranny to overhaul it, but ran into a problem and couldn’t get a socket to fit the one 26-28mm bolt. It needed to be a deep, thin wall socket but we couldn’t get anything to fit. The teacher is going to machine a socket to fit in for next week so we can finish that up.

Last night I also picked up a 2.93 LSD from bigtymer at a price nobody could refuse. This will also get overhauled next thursday after we finish up the transmission.
Thanks again Brett :slight_smile:

Also, My super shitty digital camera broke a few weeks ago and, friends with good cameras haven’t been able to stop by to work on it lately but I can promise pictures for this weekend of all the progress.

Well, I’ve been thinking long and hard over this past weekend…

Lately I’ve been going through a pretty tough time with everything I have going on in my life.

I feel as if I’ve been making this car a priority and paying my bills when I can, which is obviously very very backwards and very very wrong. I actually sacked up this weekend and went out and had a great time saturday night and sunday afternoon. I enjoyed myself completely for hours without a thought of my e30.

After I got home from both things, it made me realize that a car shouldn’t be taking over my life and doing what it has done to me.

This is probably one of the biggest and most heartbreaking decisions of my life thus far, but I think I may need to sell the project and straighten out my life.

Because of this project I’ve accumulated almost 3k in debt, in a parts car, bills and I still need to pay a way overdue speeding ticket to save my license from getting suspended.

I really enjoy working on this project but I don’t think I have the heart to keep putting money into this car and making myself suffer. I was looking at pictures of my talon and I realized that it’s just not worth it to build a car this early in life with such a low paying job.

I REALLY enjoy driving my GTI, and I’ve been neglecting many things with that car, and I think it would benefit me more to do the things I’d like to do to that car, rather than to pursue this project.
I have more than enough speeding tickets and points on my record, I can’t afford more, or to completely lose my license because of a fast car.

If you’ve taken the time to help me with the car, or added insight to this thread and have read this post in it’s entirety I really appreciate it.

I think its best for me to worry about my schooling, and my future before I take on a project of this magnitude. I got in deep real quick and I just don’t want to not enjoy myself because I have an abortion money pit sitting in the garage.

In the very near future there is a very good possibility of a HUGE e30 part out, everything must go from this to get myself back on my feet and hopefully get back to me feeling like myself again.

Stress over the past few weeks has owned me and made me completely broke and miserable.

:frowning: It really upsets me to have to do this…

Realizing things in life that really matter, rather than go into senseless debt over a 20 year old project car…priceless…

Good luck. Sounds like you made a sound decision.

I’m really glad I came to my senses now before it’s too late. I now can at least sell everything and make a decent amount of the cash back.

It’s ok to have a passion for something, be it cars, or whatever you may be into, but it shouldn’t compromise the rest of your life.

Case in point, there are things I want right now. If I really want them, I certainly can get them. But in all reality, it would cause me to make a lot of other sacrifices, which can be avoided by simply straightening current things out.

Crawl before you walk…

:tup: to making the responsible decision. it will sting when you sell it, but just remember it’s the right thing to do.

I agree completely. I really need to focus on school, it’s whats going to set me up for the rest of my life. I also want to enjoy my life while I still can before I enter the career work force for the next 65 years of my life.

Just reading some of the things posted by you and Don have helped me realize a lot.
I know I’m doing the right thing by throwing in the towel, even though I’m letting myself and others down.

It already hurts and nothing is even sold yet. I’d rather have some fun at track days and GTG’s rather than fix a broken car all the time.

You’re not throwing in the towel, you’re realizing that sometimes you have to be realistic and responsbile with your life. You’re doing a smart thing.

And it shouldn’t hurt you right now. You should feel liberated.

Do not get me wrong, I’m all about cars, they are a huge passion of mine, but when it comes down to sacrificing everything you own/do/have for them, that’s when you need to step back and take stock.

Wait until you can financially, and mentally, attack a project car. Only then will you truly enjoy the experience. My 2 cents…

the good feeling you’ll get from getting the debt off your back should greatly outweigh the pain of selling a car you don’t need.

projects dont get done overnight. sometimed you need to take a few steps back and a couple breaks. personally i think your trying to do waaay to much at once whih is why your losing inerest. its no longer fun.

there is absolutely no reason why you couldnt o just took a stock motor and turbo charged it and left it at resonable psi for the summer.

when i turbo charged my bmw i did it in stages.

stage 1 was turbo moc up and fitment. stage 2 was standalone. stage 3 was tuning. stage 4 was clutch/drivetrain. stage 5 was tearing the motor apart and making it ready for high boost. im now building a top mount manifold for my car which ill call stage 6.

stop taking on more then you can chew and stop over hauling things just for shits and giggles.

take a break and get back to it later. if you sell now your just gunna run out and buy a bunch of more shit when you get bit by the bug again.

if you really do bail i’m getting mad parts of you for low dollars. <3

:lol: dont think he has anything i need.:frowning: