I was down there for work, until Friday, but decided to stay the weekend to see my uncle race his modified car, both Friday night and Saturday night. I have to say that the southerners love their racing. And I am also hooked on watching this type of stuff live. If you’ve never been, and constantly say how NASCAR is boring, just go to your local track and watch, I guarantee you’d be hooked.
The track they race at on Friday night is the same track that the show Carpocalypse is filmed at. My aunt and uncle know all the people on the show.
Anyhow, here’s a ton of pics I took.
The Car (~500 HP)
The transporter, holds 3 cars and plenty of room to sleep up front.

One of the late models (different class, larger engines)


Shop with the other late model (I think this one went into a wall a few weeks back and they finally have most of it back together)