Mystery Cable

Hey guys,

I picked up a 91 s13 from an original owner, and have commenced a project build on it over the winter.

It was running rich, so i decided to run a diagnostic on it to check for thrown codes (still has the KA in it) I ran into an interesting find :

  1. beside the ecu, a cable had been neatly coiled up…it ran up from under the door sill (running from the rear of the car and ending with excess wire and output at the ecu…connected to nothing)

Before i get into following the wire, I wanted to know if anyone could suggest the purpose for this wire/output??

Extra info:
–>previous owner had a Jim Wolf ecu running the KA
–>the output on the cable in question resembles a coaxial cable

Maybe add a pic?

First thing to come to mind is the antennae…

Interesting… anyone have additional thoughts ?

I will take a few pics this evening and get them on here for a more detailed overview.

yeah, get a pic… If it’s a co-ax type cable, it’s probably the antenna, but I don’t know why it would go all the way to the ecu…

Couldn’t get pics last night… tonight hopefully.

camera hook up and he ran a 12V VCR in the passenger foot well?

then he cut the wires and pulled it out.?

the stock radio antenna runs down the driverside

Yea thats what i thought for teh antenna too… wouldn’t make sense for it to be neatly coiled up and with the ECU if that was the case.

camera hook-up… hmmm… the car was mildy tracked, so tis a possibility.

Anyone else?

buddy its obviously cable internet

ewww thats old school, wireless FTW!