Mythbusters - Anyone see something that will stop 6000 page threads?

this has nothing to do with me not moving, its the idea that I feel wind push against me when im outside running as opposed to being inside on a treadmill. I used to always agree with the plane taking off but now I just question that wind factor

what the hell does wind have to do with anything?


this has nothing to do with me not moving, its the idea that I feel wind push against me when im outside running as opposed to being inside on a treadmill. I used to always agree with the plane taking off but now I just question that wind factor


it won’t mtter, the engine is still pulling the plane through the air thus creating its own lift.


what the hell does wind have to do with anything?


well you can’t very well create life without air moving now can you



it won’t mtter, the engine is still pulling the plane through the air thus creating its own lift.


just give up. everything ‘they’ need to draw a conclusion has already been posted…if they still don’t get it, there’s little hope.

Airforce one has a treadmill… and that takes off just fine.


…its the idea that I feel wind push against me when im outside running as opposed to being inside on a treadmill. I used to always agree with the plane taking off but now I just question that wind factor


[quote=“XH TNTA,post:224,topic:37377"”]

well you can’t very well create lift without air moving now can you



if there is a day with no (ZERO) wind…and you ride your wheelchair down a hill without your helmet on, do you consider THAT a windy day?

Wind is realtive to air speed on stationary objects…not objects moving through staionary air. That being said, wind has nothing to do with the plane taking off in this scenerio.


If there was EVER a reason to use this smiley this is it!!!

wow. this thread has been saved.

you are all fucked.

[quote=“XH TNTA,post:224,topic:37377"”]

well you can’t very well create life without air moving now can you



wait, only one person caught this, I am truly ashamed of NYspeed, I really I am, you people should be all over this, come on how can wind create life?


[quote=“XH TNTA,post:231,topic:37377"”]

i meant lift sorry i was just trying to get newman to say fuck again :stuck_out_tongue:
and i was not serious with my statement.

For the record 66 Impala Lafengas DID catch it
so im shocked no one has called out for your lack of comprehension when it comes to reading.


wow, that is why I am ashamed that only one person caught this, as stated in my post and the post you quoted

My statement>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what you try to do there… god you suck at life


wait, only one person caught this, I am truly ashamed of NYspeed, I really I am, you people should be all over this, come on how can wind create life?



[quote=“XH TNTA,post:231,topic:37377"”]

For the record 66 Impala Lafengas DID catch it
so im shocked no one has called out for your lack of comprehension when it comes to reading.


re-read, mr. reading comprehension call-out dude.

This thread has reached new lows… but must remain un-locked.



re-read, mr. reading comprehension call-out dude.

This thread has reached new lows… but must remain un-locked.


he must have edited! cause it said no one when i entered it! i swear!
ok i have failed! sorry.

LAFENGAS i still have your blue hard hat.

i’m trading it in with the elise as a “special edition brittish racing blue racing hard helmet hat” and shooting for an extra grand, if you do not come and get it.

In all seriousness unlike yesterday when I was posting, the plane will move as Newman stated but it will not create enough lift under the Airfoil. For all you idiots (Walter) instead of posting my knowledge in avionics, I’ll just refer to a few examples that are somewhat “dumbed down” (again this is for people like Walter). Taken for Wikipedia:

From the Biot-Savart law, this vorticity produces a flow field w(s) where

w(x) = \frac{1} {(2 \pi)} \int_{0}^{c} \frac {\gamma (x’)}{(x-x’)} dx’

where x is the location at which induced velocity is produced, x’ is the location of the vortex element producing the velocity and c is the chord length of the aerofoil.

Since there is no flow normal to the curved surface of the airfoil, w(x) balances that from the component of main flow V which is locally normal to the plate - the main flow is locally inclined to the plate by an angle α − dy / dx. That is

V . (\alpha - dy/dx) = w(x) = \frac{1} {(2 \pi)} \int_{0}^{c} \frac {\gamma (x’)}{(x-x’)} dx’

This integral equation can by solved for γ(x), after replacing x by

\ x = c(1 - cos ( heta ))/2 ,

as a Fourier series in Ansin(nθ) with a modified lead term A0(1 + cos(θ)) / sin(θ)

That is \frac{\gamma( heta)} {(2V)} = A_0 \frac {(1+cos( heta))} {sin( heta)} + \sum A_n . sin (n heta)) Continued at Airfoil - Wikipedia

where x is the location at which induced velocity is produced, x’ is the location of the vortex element producing the velocity “X” doesnt exist because there is no induced velocity produced. Why? Glad you asked. Again from Wikipedia since they explain things so well:

The lift force, lifting force or simply lift is a mechanical force generated by solid objects as they move through a fluid.[1]

While many types of objects can generate lift, the most common and familiar object in this category is the airfoil, a relatively flat object of which the common airplane wing is an example. For the sake of simplicity, this article will discuss lift primarily in the context of airfoils and wings.
The lift generated by an airfoil depends on such factors as the speed of the airflow, the density of the air, the total area of the airfoil, and the angle of attack. The angle of attack is the angle at which the airfoil meets the oncoming airflow (or vice versa). A symmetric airfoil must have a positive angle of attack to generate positive lift. At a zero angle of attack, no lift is generated. At a negative angle of attack, negative lift is generated. A cambered airfoil may produce positive lift at zero, or even small negative angles of attack.

The basic concept of lift is simple. However, the details of how the relative movement of air and airfoil interact to produce the turning action that generates lift are complex. Below are several explanations of lift, all of which are different but equivalent descriptions of the same phenomenon from different viewpoints.

A symmetric airfoil must have a positive angle of attack to generate positive lift. At a zero angle of attack, no lift is generated. At a negative angle of attack, negative lift is generated

This right here is why I said no… the plane will not take off. That being said IN MY OPINION, I think that the plane will not create enough lift around the surrounding airfoil. The plane will move with resistance but depending on how far the conveyor belt is (which I’m sure it wont be long at all) I dont think it will get up to speed to fly. Now all you who said yes it will fly and supported a diagram that doesn’t represent the proper magnitude of the question is quite appalling. Maybe someone smarter than you said “yes it will fly” and then you jumped on the band wagon. :tup: to all those who agreed or disagreed and provided some what intellagent explanations.


intellagent explanations.


jarrod. do you even know what ANY of that means?

if you want to look at it SEMI complexly the only equations that should be brought in to play are equations pertaining to roller bearing frictional forces based on heat and linear speed.

The geometry of the airfoil is not related to the problem in any way, unless you want to examine the problem EXTREMELY complexly and factor in boundary layer conditions of entrained air near the surface of the treadmill, which could be calculated complexly through the use of the navier-stokes equations. However, since the entrained air is moving in a direction opposite the thrust, you will find that it only aides the plane in lifting off sooner.

/\ ground-effect.

The plane will fly



of course I do.

I posted my explanation, if someone has a factual rebuttal I’ll consider changing my mind.


someone who understands those equations knows they have nothing to do with what you’re trying to justify. Somebody who thinks “ooooh…pretty numbers” will likely write the same exact thing you did.

That being said. the equations do no pretain to this problem. FYI.