Mythbusters - Anyone see something that will stop 6000 page threads?

Here it comes.:lol:

The plane will take off


search the past thread on this, please.

The plane will take off

try to dyno a jet engine’d car. thats all.

lol at jrod and 99somethingorother

haha, here we go again.

jarrod the plane isnt powered by its wheels its powerd by the thrust created by the engine, no matter how fast that dreadmill goes its not going to hold the plane back in any way. The engine will pull the plane through the air and the wings will generate lift.

until the bearings overheat and the wheels blow off the bottom. :thankyou:

UGH… basic physics says you are wrong

Then we can take the wheels out completely and use a hover craft. All people have to do is look at a sea plane taking off from a river against the current.

you have to imagine the engine pulling on the air as if it were a rope. if you were on a skate board on a tread mill pulling on a rope you can pull yourself forward no matter how fast the treadmill is moving

If you blow your load while on a treadmill, will it come back at you? Same thing.

LOL @ josh just saying die.

cant wait to see this

I said it would fly

LOL i <3 you jarrod but its not an opinion when its physical science.

They are called the “Laws” of physics, not the “opinions” of physics

this is actually a really good idea. Does anybody have a tread mill to borrow? I have a remote hover craft.

it was a joke. i’m a well known public supporter of the plane taking off.
