Mythbusters fail to foil the speed camera

they answered that they cant find a good way to do the plane on a treadmill, BUT somebody did a really nice computer animation about WHY the plane takes off… i was always a it will not fly person until i started looking at everything, but we are NOT going to get into that

also, i really dont like the way they tested the debunking stuff and here is why

  1. the placement of their “Speed camera” was not like the real world

most speed cameras are up high and pointed DOwn at the cars, either mounted on a bridge or on a pole, so that you are coming TOWARDS the speed camera and they can get your face (becasue they cant charge YOU with speeding if they cant prove YOU were driving)

so, with that being said, id like to see how fast ud have to be going before the camera wont be able to get your plate in the picture (if you have a front plate on)

or, lets say its high and behind you so , id like to see how some of those devides, mainly the magnifying glass one, would do blocking plates from extreme angles…

the easiest way to do this, that they didnt use, is to take a 3m laptop sheild and place it over the plates, whenever your off angle they are COMPLETLY BLACK, but straight on (ie roadlevel)they are just tinted