n00b checkin in

Hello Pittspeed, my friend cavyracer88 just told me about this site, so I thought i’d check the site out :beer:

I drive a 1993 Honda Civic EX which I plan on modifying (mostly the suspension) here shortly. As of now it just has an el cheapo intake.

Is anyone from the Butler county area here? I’d like to meet up with some locals sometime here soon in anticipation of spring :bigthumb:

SinisterCRX drives a Civic?

Welcome anyhow.

As for the Butler thing, I’m in the Valencia area fairly often.

welcome, yeah i think their are some people from around there…

Head down to World of Wheels this weekend and check out the pittspeed booth!

SinisterCRX is my name on tons of forums, so I kept it. I had a 1989 Honda CRX Si but I wrecked it, and I made that name when I bought the car almost two years ago.

Thanks :mullet:

Where is it/what time/how much it cost?

ah… yeah… I’ve been ShalerPunk for nearly thirteen years for a similar reason.

welcome to pittspeed!!!

World of Wheels is this weekend feb. 25-28 at the convention center!!! dont know how much it is but shouldnt be that much!!!

We’ll be there all weekend. prob like $10 or so to get in


sup dan?

Welcome,…i’m in butler county

Fixed dates



welcome to the group

welcome to Planet PITTspeed