NAACP Finally speaks out regarding Michael Vick.

Innocent until proven guilty, but it’s not looking very good for him now that one of the guys took a plea and has agreed to testify against him. I was reading that part of his testimony is that Vick bankrolled not only the kennel but the gambling as well.

So if he’s guilty, I hope they charge him with anything they can and he gets the absolute max on each charge. This isn’t some guy from the ghetto with no options, taking a chance on an illegal activity because he’s got a dead end life. This is a guy who just signed a $130 million dollar long term deal. He’s in this dogfighting ring because he’s a sick fuck, just doing it for kicks.

As for people not caring about other atrocities happening around the world, yep, we don’t. Genocide in Darfur, not much we can do about it. Dogfighting here in the US, that’s something public outrage can do something about.