NAACP Finally speaks out regarding Michael Vick.


:picard: You seem to be arguing that he shouldn’t be condemned for being famous, but nobody’s arguing that he should.

Trueblue’s contrasting being drunk in an interview against torturing animals was meant to demonstrate that he’s not just a famous athlete being comdemned for an error in proper famous person conduct, but rather is a person who has (allegedly) done awful things and also happens to be famous.

I don’t care if he’s a pro athlete or a beggar off the street. He’s (allegedly) been torturing animals for years for his own amusement. That’s what he’s being condemned for.


Well, the start of this thread was about being innocent before proven guilty and how he is being treated as already guilty by most of society. I am saying that he is being treated this way because he is an athlete/famous. If you or I were accused of dog fighting not too many people would care or make a big fuss about it beyond a local aspect. There would not be protests or people taking our jobs away.

I’m not saying he is innocent or what he did was a good thing. I think he is a scumbag for what he did, but is being treated differently for the same thing just because of who he is.