NAACP Finally speaks out regarding Michael Vick.

Not to belittle what good deeds he or any other famous person has done, but dropping a hundred thousand on charities isn’t a big deal when you’re worth 130 million. It’s .07% of your worth. Don’t get me wrong, it’s helpful, and it’s great they do it, but I’m not going to nominate anyone for sainthood because they made a donation that doesn’t affect their bottom line in the slightest. It’s news when someone like Buffet donates a huge chunk of his net worth, not when some superstar donates what to you or I is the change we find when we vacuum the car.

I’d much rather see recognition for the guy who makes 50k a year who actually gives the 10% charitable contributions the tax people say you should be giving. 10% when you make 50k means a hell of a lot more than .0X% when you make millions.