Name something...

good that happened to you today unexpectedly.

I’ll start:

I woke up nearly pissing my pants this morning. So I went pee first thing.

It was one of those pees that feels really good the whole way out. And to top that off I didn’t have to straddle the toilet like a wounded giraffe because there was no “morning wood” .

Great start to the day.

Paging Kramer.

Good thing:

I noticed a hot ass girl in a BMW 335, I did NOT slam into the accord infront of me because I was half asleep/staring over.

got laid. morning sex FTW.

Thread is now over…

heh…yeahh, i was a little late for work this AM as well…

i was at mt snow yesterday, and me and my friends were talking about pooling our money together to get some gas on the way home and some older gentleman walks over to us, hands us $20, and tells us to “pay it forward”

the other day at stratton, a friend and i had to split a chicken fingers and fries because we only had $8 between the two of us, and the guy working the cash register told us to grab a free drink


being a ski bum pays off sometimes :lol

another one: saturday i was at stratton with my gf and we yet again had no money and some older lady from new jersey gave my gf an orange and a cranberry juice.

you rang?

I am now done with classes and am probably going to sleep until 2AM or so. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah

good thing:
spring break starts a 830 when my night class ends tonight.

good thing:
i have this weekend off

bad thing:
i have to work 8 days straight monday-monday all morning shifts. spring break is officially going to suck.

Priorities FTL.

I dunno if i’d be going skiing if I couldnt afford the gas to get home or any food…

I woke up.

Every morning I wake up is a good morning.

bennyfizzle style:

i dont get it

da fuck is there not to get? songs called “wake and bake” :lmao

Woke up late, went to math class, and talked to the hot blonde all class. Good start to the day!

Pics? FB?

Lies… :Idiots
Adam does not talk to girls.

I don’t think people get what this thread was supposed to be about.

no no, i definitely understood.