Name that turbo.

Im looking at turbo’s

He claims its a greddy turbo. Relying on you guys to determine what it is.

Isin’t your transmission auto?

^^^ that’s the better question

Randy - it looks to be like an OEM turbo from a factory-turbocharged car.

But again, go 5 speed before you go FI. The moment I went 5 speed, I almost went for 2 months not thinking of going turbo

its a hks65rrb13g turbo, very rare

very ballin.

better yet buy a front clip and do it all at once


It looks like a stock T25, though I could be wrong.

the mani flange looks like a 14b, but the turbo outlet definately isnt’… best of luck… i doubt its a garrett and my best guess is it is a factory turbo…

Could it have come from a TDI Vdub?

greddy usually has a blue plaque on it saying greddy. lol.

and thats definetly not a nissan turbo.

looks like a vb turbo to me

TRO579 he gave me that number… its my buddies actually.

he said it was on there… and it was some sort of greddy turbo.

Looks like a stock DSM T25 to me.

that seems correct it does look like a DSM T25

it is a dsm t25 google it its identical

dsm turbo FTW


hahaaha that turbo should work fine for ya there randy :wink: ahaha i tlooks to me like its a turbo from a lil civic or someshit ahaha… srry bro i dont think this turbo is the right one for your car :stuck_out_tongue:

anyone who claims that is a greddy turbo is trying to rip you off. that turbo isn’t worth more than $50. it is a dsm t25 (second gen talon/eclipse). those turbos are worth less than the 1G 14b turbos. see from the 4th pic down:

personally i would not use this turbo on any engine larger than 1.5L