Nanotechnology thread

I searched and found nothing focusing on this topic.
Maybe I missed it in my search but, I am surprised this topic hasn’t been covered better on here.
The cost of gas and everything else is getting higher and higher.
What will happen when nanotechnology really takes off?
The entire planet will see a complete change of the way we exist.
Read this ENTIRE link, don’t just scan it.


I remember reading about nanotech capacitors. A capacitor now that holds 2 farads, with nanotechnology could hold 10,000 farads of electricity.

and thus with the right release system could replace standard batteries, with a quick charge and a slow regulated discharge.

I like how all of AWD drifters sentences
Get their own lines
It makes his posts look like Haikus!

A shitty haiku
By an old man Drifter
my wasted minutes

Will read later…

I have ALWAYS done that on here because it is must easier to read imho.
Am I right or am I right?:slight_smile:

^well, it depends on the resolution of your monitor

and the size of the window / tab that you have NYSpeed open in

and the font style you have chosen



For my :tinfoilhat: post of the day, how about when we create the self replicated nanobot that goes out of control and destroys the earth?

And the goo may very well start right here in Buffalo.

On a more serious note, there are so many great things that will come from the research going on in this field.

EMP shockwave would wipe the fuckers out

In before the matrix BS comments commence.

we did some work for them last year :tup: good bunch of people over there

interesting technology :tup:

Oh, then we ought to, like, fund this research, eh?

I wonder what kind of heat tolerances a nanomachine can have before its molecular structure rips apart.

Considering the money at stake for the company that discovers the next major breakthrough I don’t think it’s needed.

The drive of capitalism > taxpayer funded research. As soon as the government gets involved politics start directing the science and science is forced down the wrong path. Ethanol ring a bell?

Unless the government’s method of getting involved is to ban said research, like, say, stem cells

True, but the government isn’t doing that with nanotech.

Besides that, all three candidates are pro-stem cell research so that’s going to be a moot point soon with no Bush to cast the veto. :tup:

I know nothing about this… When i see nano i think nitrogen assisted nitrous oxide hehe

ok sorry back on topic…

EMP’s arent thermal.

Electro Magnetic Pulse, It disrupts anything that uses electricity.

This isn’t really true. Scientists haven’t really supported Ethanol from a energy standpoint-it’s always been a stupid idea overall. Actually, I think it was Republican legislation that backed ethanol with subsidies.

And did we even fund a lot of ethanol research, relatively?

There’s a reason why the brightest people choose to stay in academia. Universties tend to afford intelligent people with more freedom. That’s where the frontiers of science are expanded. This isn’t to marginalize the findings of companies, but their research pales in comparison to what a good research university can do with the same amount of money (how else can you employ college graduates for less than $30,000 a year).

Arguing by example-last year a researcher left a local company to come to UB because of the opportunities working at a university could present. There’s a lot more freedom at a university, but the research still needs funding. It’s actually one thing that the government usually does right (i.e. the NSF, NIH). But now funding has been cut, and the argument for this is that the private sector will pick up the slack. I don’t see it happening-the competitive nature of the private sector may prevent discussions amongst experts that would facilitate advances in their fields.

Top 10 medical breakthroughs of 2007 (from

#1 Study showing circumsized men less likely to get aids. It was a government study, but they didn’t really create anything new, just studied some data.

#2 GeneSearch BLN Assay. Private company created a new tool for breast exams.

#3 Human bird flu vaccine, developed by private company Sanofi Pasteur.

#4 Weight loss drug Alli, developed by private company GlaxoSmithKline.

#5 Type 2 Diabetes gene research from US and Finland. Lots of universites involved here.

#6 No more periods drug Lybrel, developed by private company Wyeth Pharmaceuticals.

#7 Relief from Fibromyalgia with drug Lyrica, developed by private company Pfizer.

#8 Early stage test for lung cancer called LC Detect, developed by private company Panacea Pharmaceuticals.

#9 New source of stem cells. Not sure who gets credit for this one.

#10 Benefit of vitamin D study. Goverment agency study.

So looks like good old capitalism does just fine for coming up with the latest breakthroughs, especially on the side of actually creating new products like what will be done using nanotechnology.