Nasty Weather...

what u wanted to get lightning bolt up your ass?

:runaway i wouldnt… i run man like a fuckin banana i run :banana :banana :banana

Yeah I love big storms, they’re always a disappointment for me though :sad

haha alright fair enough

Toga got nailed twice yesterday. Once around 6 and again after 9. My parent’s dock got flipped over around 6ish… sucks.

I got $100 that says this isn’t even remotely true

:ninja i dont know… maybe not GLOWING red but i wouldnt doubt it getting hit…

any metal thats GLOWING red will melt/burn anything thats in contact with it.
“Electrical wiring gets hot when there is resistance, like the coil on a stove. Because a lightning rod system is well grounded, there is virtually no resistance and the cable has no time to heat up. Lightning rod cable can safely be concealed in a house surrounded by insulation and attached to wooden structural members.”

add another one to the list :haha

ok ok :ponder

I’ve personally seen a lightning rod on a barn glowing red for a few seconds after a lightning strike. I don’t care what that thing says.

welll this is all nice and everything but i never seen a fucking barn pole thing personally before… let alone one getting hit my lightning


ok buddy… sure

What I failed to mention is it caused a fire that almost took out the entire barn.

Apparently wasn’t grounded all too well haha


it was windy, lots of lighting and power was going on and off last night a LOT

Lost power at my house for a while, but I wasn’t there thank God.

yea it was very bright and loud…

i delivered last night in guilderland while it was goin down, just windy and intense rain for like 15min, had a pretty decent sized branch fall like 50ft infront of me on church road, but the beater took care of that :nod

Those Jalepeno poppers = i Love you swifty.

awww nicole! <– haha sorry, i had to abuse the mod powers… atleast once

I can live with that one. It’s the truth anyway. You gave them to me. :slight_smile: