Potential for a Tornado today

Sweet! :excited

The main threat from today’s t’storms will be damaging wind gusts in excess of 58 mph and locally heavy rain. However, there is also the potential for sufficient wind shear to produce rotating storms that could produce an isolated tornado and large hail.
I’ve always wanted to see one. I remember years ago there was one at Albany International Airport, but I never got to see it despite living about 5 minutes away from there. There was also the Mechanicville tornado but I didn’t actually get to physically see it in person.

Yeah real cool. Won’t happen.

There was some NASTY storms out here in Buffalo last night. No tornado tho.

Not cool.

You’d be surprised how many funnel clouds area actually formed in the tri county area. I’ve witness a dozen or so from the shop since we moved up here in '89… The Hudson/Mowhawk river systems in the area contribute to this. Funnel clouds is all they are, but doesn’t take hardly anything for them to become tornados.

Major T storms almost always produce funnel clouds, but their lack of intensity differs them from touching down and forming full classed tornados.

I love this shit. The bigger the lighting storm the better for me. I think it’s the power that facinates me. I have a `10-15 mile view up here from my garage and would love to setup a flash activated camera for some of the storms we have here.

I too love storms, whether it be snowstorms or lightning. I’ve been interested in the weather for as long as I can remember.


haha that is EPIC!

we have a drain cover dancing up and down in front of my building and the other one looks like the bellagio fountains. i made a couple of little videos on my phonez

same here man. i’m on top of a hill too, looking out my front window during a storm is epic. i love it.

Pffft. I saw a funnel cloud out driving a few days ago and freaked out.
Growing up in Florida = first hand experience in the potential for a storm to go very wrong. Obviously it’s not as bad here, but it still makes me hide like a little wussy.

You’re a wussy.

longcat is awesome. i didn’t see it the last time hahaha


Didn’t happen, won’t happen. Weather men don’t know what they’re talking about.

Well generally when there is rotation in the atmosphere, funnel clouds/microbursts tend to form, and sometimes tornadoes. So it’s very well possible. Will it happen? Probably not. But the potential is there like LaDuke89’s Check Engine Light.

haha im staying in Orlando now :slight_smile: we just had a storm here 5 mins ago

So those who work in Menands heard/saw some nasty lightning strikes today. I was In our main power substation near the exit today. The Verizon building, the old warehouse across the street and the law offices all got hit. The law office got struck 3 times in a row and I just about shat myself on the spot. We were maybe 40 yards away from it!

Lightning hit a tree or power line or someshit at a house across the street from IHOP in schenectady, and there was like a flare from the down line… and then the tree infront of the house cought on fire. shit was NUTSSS. my girl picked the perfect place to go to eat after driving thru the shit from howe caverns.

Thunderstorms are awesome, especially tropical ones.
Unless they knock out the power and internet. Speaking of which I probably should get that new battery for my ups…