National Anthem FTL - (LMAO)

This has to be one of the funniest national anthem renditions I’ve ever heard. I’m not even sure this cop was singing in English:

Make sure you check out the other officers’ expressions in the crowd shots - both are hilarious - and it looks to be part of a ceremony where humor wouldn’t be welcomed. :lmao


I’d love to know how that guy was chosen…

whattttttttttt :rofl :rofl

My thoughts exactly.

that was brutal

I cringed

Guys got a voice like an angel

I’d love to know how that idiot was allowed to become a cop. He has to be illiterate.

:eek That guy must have been the partner of the deceased officer as that’s the ONLY reason he should be allowed to sing the song like that.

This one is better:

The crowd helps him along. To me, that’s awesome.

couldnt even watch the whole thing, thats embarassing to that police force and our country.

+1 that was sickening.