NBA or NFL ?


have been accused of spousal abuse

have been arrested for fraud

have been accused of writing bad checks

have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses

have done time for assault


Repeat 71

Cannot get a credit card due to bad credit

have been arrested on drug-related charges

have been arrested for shoplifting

are defendants in lawsuits, and

have been arrested for drunk driving
within the last year

Can you guess

which organization this is?


Give up?

Scroll down

It’s the 535 members of

the United States Congress.

The same group whoforgive each other while

they crank out hundreds of new laws each year

to keep us in line.

You gotta pass this one on!

baseless facts ftl

neither. It’s the congress!!! holy crap!


Disprove it please…

yeah but if im in a dark alley its not congress that is gonna put a gun to my head and take my g-body

theres a start… i mean come on!!! its’ election time, of coarse these are going around… i read one in the late 90’s just like this.

  1. there is so much congress bashing it’s the bandwagon these days… i looked through a rolling stone (dont’ know why, oh yeah it was mailed to me free) and they have a freaking centerfold bashing at least 10 republican congressmen and one democrat (who is hated by the democratic party)… never could of seen taht one coming!

i hate this BS… i don’t care if someone is a congressmen / woman (or hillary) or not, they are still human (minus hillary) and can still fall under vague and misleading comments… 21 are defendents in court… ok??? and???

i just hate reading this crap.

excellent find… I knew you would have proof


it’s just too coincidential that i read all that crap about it in rolling stone and then heard about it all day(week) at work and then read this! haha

they are human though… there are tons of people on here that fall under those categories too…

we should stop electing senators and go back to state appointed IMO… (worst amendment ever) clean up some of this political crap.