NBC threatening to sue me

Well I downloaded some torrents of Heroes. I didn’t really find it a big deal or whatever since they are re-runs. Well I get a letter in the mail saying if I get caught again they are going to sue me for copyright violations. Oh well looks like I wont be watching Heroes or any other NBC show since they are douche bags.

how did they know? and… as long as you’re not copying them or selling them, why is that a problem?

Isnt that the same as video taping an episode? Can I get sued for using my VCR?

Good question. Valid point

NBC is a free network too…as long as you have a TV you can watch NBC. its not like a cable channel where you pretty much have to pay someone somewhere to watch it.

That’s strange too because ABC lets you download LOST from their website the day after it airs… Weird…

What site did you download these through?

I got a letter like that when a friend downloaded DOOM, but that’s obviously a movie. I don’t know why they’d bother you with a regular cable show.

It scared the shit out of me though and I don’t download anything anymore. Even though he did the downloading the account is in my name and I’m the one responsible.

You can watch Heros on their website, why bother downloading?

who really gives out there full names when downloading torrents and so on?

Your ISP provides them with your name and address.

That is why I dont bother with torrents.

call their bluff.


good luck tho

Your IP can provide quite a bit of information when lawyers are involved. Fortunately they aren’t like the RIAA where it’s sue first ask later.

stolen internet FTW!!

never been plugged into a modem directly on this computer.

Yeah its not a matter of downloading because its like a VCR blah blah blah

its you are sharing it with thousands of other people…

I got one way back from DLing a family guy episode, so I just changed torrent websites lol

Haha, yeah it’s so funny to get a 80 year old lady calling about a letter stating she was redistrubuting Fergilicious or some other shitty song. And they are all like “OMGWTFBBQ?” :lol:

you should see the shit the kid who owns one of the networks i use. he’s going to get in a lot of trouble one of these days and the RIAA coming down on his ass will be the least of his problems.



and i downloaded all the hereos too. no letter here