Ne2K9 Supra Meet/Show

Says man with badge

Adam, I plan on going if you want to ride with me. Not staying the night though.

if thats your attiude w a detector your deff better without one, mine has saved me countless time, but i don’t drive any diff with or without one. its there for backup, i still trust myself more then anything else.

I dont speed! :excited

when my V1 is on and the cop doesnt instant on, or you arent doing XXX in a 55 youre good with it… i usually do 65-70 on the thruway, but its nice to know if a cop is in the area. everyone who knows me knows i dont speed on a normal basis, random runs up to speed here and there but 9/10 im doing the limit-3/5 over.

That’s me! I dont ever speed usually. Clean driving record mod FTW.

Woot!!! Weather looks AWESOME.

79 and Sunny!!

I do 80-85 down the thruway, without radar, and let off if I see a cop, usually going past them at 75-79. Haven’t been pulled over yet.

i seem to remember one trip…well i dont think we were on the thruway at that point.

Wasn’t that Limerock? lol

I think he’s talking about the time I blew past a trooper on the sprain brook pkwy at 80 in a 55… The Convo went something like this

License and Registration Please.

(I hand them over)

Why didn’t you slow down when you saw me?

My vision was blocked by the SUV in the right lane, I didnt see you until he jammed on his brakes after he saw you.

How fast were go goin?

I got you at 79. Where you comin from?

Albany… Listen, I’ve got a few friends on the job, you think you can hook me up?

Nah man, it’s cool. I’m lookin for them drunks!

(Hands back my shit and takes off)


yup that would be the time. good time lol.

Showing possible rain showers saturday…

If I wake up and its raining I dont think I’m gonna go.

quit being a downer, its a 30% chance of few showers, thats nothing.

I’ll check tommorow afternoon and see whats up.

ill steal your car if you bitch out. and replace it with mine.

SICK new fliers came out!!

so the car show is only for supras but the dyno is open to all?

OH SHIT, Dj Rush is gon b there??

Yo read that wrong, CAR SHOW IS FOR ALL, dyno is Supra only.