FS: Classic Army MP5 Airsoft gun

If you really feel the need to pick this apart and need to know, I fronted Jeff money for his initial order thru Sparten. This gun is left over from that order. He couldnt sell it in a reasonable amount of time, so I took it back seeing that I paid for it. I own mutliple GBB’s, and was very impressed by the mechanics of an AEG, the main reason why I kept it. However, running around in the woods shooting at people really isnt my thing, and the gun has just been sitting here. I posted the above comment because I have multiple outlets of getting airsoft if there was something specific he was looking for. I’m not trying to give business to Jeff, or take it away, I was just answering the guys question and willing to help him out if he needed anything.

I’ve tried to sign up on wnyal.net many times. I sign up, wait to be authorized, it gets verified, and then it wont let me log in again. I’m well aware of the site, I’ve met Mike and Steve numerous times from being around Jeff. Last I knew they were all cool with eachother, but from what Jeff said a few weeks ago, hes not affiliated with the local league anymore. Thank you for the suggestion though.

I havnt been around Jeff too much since the begining of summer, so I dont know what his business practices have been. I do know he got married and was away for awhile, and not that its an excuse, but maybe that was a cause of peoples problems with him lately. He’s still my boy and have no reason to disrespect him, so I’m not going into anymore detail on here, and hope that you wouldnt either. However if you care to fill me in or need me to do something, shoot me a PM and I’ll see what I can do.

With that said, the gun is for sale. $250 or best reasonable offer. Will consider trades, but no more guns.