Ne2K9 Supra Meet/Show

sounds like a good time

I’m game which rest stop iis that and what time

that rest stop is about 15 miles south of exit 23. Well I want to leave my house by 630 but I’ll be waiting for Brett for a couple mins. So to be safe I’d say 645 at the rest stop.

It says it should take 2.5 hours…I kind of need to be there by 9:00 so it will be safe to say I’ll be speeding.

Ill make sure I’m there by 6:30 then and I don’t care about speeding.

Can I be passenger in Yota?

U would need a diff ride home. I’m not coming back till sunday night

Ryan I found a trailer for ya


So whats the plan now? I talked with Sean and I think Jammer is gonna let me bum his trailer, if thats the case im dumping race in her.

Hrm… maybe not… I cant get it above 25PSI, GD wastegate issue. I really dont want to drive it that far down.

wastegate issue? whats it doing?

man… you should just sell the car!!

20,000 and a bag of ruffles.

I wasn’t even going to offer that much… times are tough lately…

i’ve told him straight up trade for the mr2, he denys everytime i offer.

good point, ill fuccillo him. 10,900$ its HUUUUUGE!

Won’t hold more than 25psi…

werd…his wastegate spring is fucked!

…or there’s a leak somewhere

Time to boost leak check it

he an I did that a few weeks ago… No leaks!!