NECC Christmas party final plan - Jan 6 BP's Downtown

BPs Lounge Downtown
Jasper ave and 106 st
Friday Jan., 6
8 p.m.

Post up if you are coming. We will try to organize some drink specials like last year.

See you all there!

This will also be the monthly meet for January, as I don’t think anyone is going to be in good shape for a meet on Jan. 1.

Im There.

I’m there. Well over here, but will be there :E

I’ll be there

I’ll be there of course.

And yes, we’ll have to arrange some sort of meeting, cause I sure won’t be wanting to be there on Jan 1st. lol.


Bring your IDs!!

Damn you all! :finga:

I’ll come by.

  • Mike


I’m in… hehehe

(Loud Noises) :partyman:

minorities suck :lol:

If I’m not too hung over from the previous night (aka my bifday) I’ll be there.

this date sounds like it will work for everybody for sure

I’ll make it as long as my Calgary work plans don’t interfere :?

Should be there dunno what time tho.

I’m not aware of my January Schedual yet… so until i know its a NO GO for me … saturday an sundays are my current days off :S

i work untill 11:15pm so you mofo’s better wait for me!!!

3 cheers for not being 18!