Just wanted to give you a little heads up. Lots of folks wonder what their yearly fee goes towards. Well, we just acquired a new set of infrared timers off ebay that we can use in autocross events or any other sort of performance event we want!
Well, if things go well we can always buy another set.
Yes, I’m Swankadelic. Apparently it was a little too obvious!
They should be here soon, still waiting on shipping info from the seller. They might already be in the mail, I’ll have to bug the guy until he spills the deets.
So now that NECC has the equipment, who in the club has the expertise to design the courses?
I gather Jared has been around on the local autox scene for a long time, and maybe that’s your answer right there. But I was just curious who had the capability. Its not something that just any tom, dick or harry can slap together…
We on the verge of the hot lap using Microsoft Excel.
My wife is a Computer programmer. she has Excel acting as the stopwatch, but has to figure out how to use visual basic to get control of Com 1.
When that happens, we will begin offering that option.
That wasn’t my question. Of course there is experience in other clubs that might be utilized in one way or another. I was just wondering who WITHIN the NECC has the expertise. If the answer is no one, then so be it.
But your response of “I’m sure we’ll figure something out…” doesn’t answer the question at all. The answer will be either a yay or nay. Either we do or we don’t.
That wasn’t my question. Of course there is experience in other clubs that might be utilized in one way or another. I was just wondering who WITHIN the NECC has the expertise. If the answer is no one, then so be it.
But your response of “I’m sure we’ll figure something out…” doesn’t answer the question at all. The answer will be either a yay or nay. Either we do or we don’t.[/quote]
HINT HINT. Since the Z car club is having an autoX event with the Miata club why dont you shed some light on the situation and help us out, instead of just asking questions to irritate people.
I feel I can make a course as the ASA. I don’t have thier expertise, but I’ve driven about 20 courses, so I can incorporate some the ideas, such as chicago boxes, and accelerating and decelerating slaloms.
Ya, Jared can do it. Also, if we needed help, Neil offered his assistance to build a course for us as well. Cause I know he has more than enough experience in road course and the likes.
Why the hell are you getting irritated? What’s wrong with asking a question? I am a member of the NECC and wanted to know if we (NECC) have the experience in house to build an autox course… end of story. That’s it! Nothing implied or assumed…
I do not have the experience myself to build a proper course, or maybe I would offer to help. (The course designs used by the Z Club/Miata Club slalom group come from 2-3 members of the Miata club, that like Conroy from the RX-7 club, have been around the block a few times so to speak in the autocross circles.)
I haven’t any experience designing a course, but I am going to try to learn some this year as to what works and doesn’t. Between Jared and Neil, we should be able to come up with something good!
By the way, there is a post up on the RX-7 forums that includes a scale drawing of the section Namao rents out, in case anyone wants to try their hand at it.