need a bike stand? this one is pretty awesome.

i want one.

For the bike you don’t ride?

It’ll certainly make it easier to maneuver in my garage…

that is pretty fancy

holy shit. thats a lot easier than any stand I’ve ever seen or used.

until it gets a little off balance and slides off those pegs.

---------- Post added at 12:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 AM ----------

aaaaand we have embedding here now. (23 seconds is all you need to see)

That is sick. I don’t think it would slide off. The weight of the bike probably puts so much pressure down on those pegs.

unless the pegs separate to put tension between the two I bet it would fall off with the slightest bit of tilt or weight on the right side of the bike.


dude look where it picks the bike up from…

The door frame pull up bar… willllll work without a “trimmed door frame” lol. Dot dot dot


pretty sweet stand though.

I made it work btw.

pretty dope.

What!? So Newton did know what he was talking about!? Amazing!

Knowing my history of how I spend more time dicking with my cars/projects on jackstands in the garage as opposed to driving them…I would love this for the bike I plan to one day buy:tup:

You modified a pull up bar to make it work or you modified the door frame… regardless it doesn’t work without trim in stock form… you silly engineers

Actually it did. No mods to door frame, regular padding on pull up bar.

Nice! Long enough moment arm and high enough coefficient of friction… whowouldathunkit?!

right… so a standard door frame??? gimme a break…

noooo way do the typical forces of a set of 15 pullups will it NOT slide without trim, or a nail, or a more frictional surface, or an extended “moment” arm… sooo not out of the box, and not “stock”

sure, mod the other things and bang out SUPER smooth pullups… but that wasnt the bet, was it.

It was unmodified Willybeener. Only used what came out of the box. No extended arm, no adhesives or nails or any bullshit.

prove ittt