Need a car scope thing

well my check engine light came on and yes i tried unplugging the battery but it stays on so i need to know if any one around here can hook me up or at lease get it done for really cheap all i need to know is what the problem is i know its going to be something stupid like a spark plug or an o2 sensor so if u have a shop or know some one who will help a brother out that would be great cause its going to cost me like 100$ for them just to hook it up to the computer to find out that the check engine light mean

Posting the type of car will likely help.

M & L auto can. They are just down the road from Sumaru. Just make sure you look at the reader with them so you dont get taken, they got lotsa wrecked cars there so I’m always a little worried. Work with a guy who used to work there and he says theyre honest but still…

Maybe call NAIT too. Im in school right now and I went in after class to hook mine up. They might be able to do it too.

its a 95 s14 ya my mom works at nait i was going to ask her to ask them