Need a favor...can I borrow/come by to use a compressor?? DSMers/EVO

Hey Guys, I moved here form Chicago and wasn’t able to bring my compressor with me. Right now that’s biting me in the ass! I just finished a new setup on my Evo 8 and before starting the tuning process I want to make sure I don’t have any leaks

I have my boost leak tester and want to do a boost leak pressure test but do not have a compressor.

Is there someone around here generous enough to let me either borrow their compressor or come by to do a quick pressure test??
There has to be some fellow DSMers/EVO members on here who know how important a pressure test is. Help out a fellow 4g63t’er !!
Please PM me!

Where are you located?

do it in the parking lot of a stewarts! free air FTW!

JK, where are you located? My shop is in Altamont and I can help ya.

I’m in North Troy right by Brunswick.

Hey krazyKid, when can I stop by? Appreciate the offer.


We are there nights and weekends by appt.

I am running to pick up 4 parts doors and wont be back to the shop tonight until around 8P. Ill PM you my number, my brother or Eric should be there to help you tonight earlier than 8 p if need be.

Thanks alot. Ill be out of town this weekend but give you a call next week.