Need a radar to loan/rent.

Im heading to FL from the 16th/28th. Anyone by chance have a radar theyre not using seeing as all the hot rods are away? I wont use in VA so it wont be taken away. Ill pay for borrowing it as well. A decent one too no walmart POS.


Contact GermanPSI. He has more V1s than he knows what to do with :lmao

Text him fo me.

okay dood.

Thanks. Ill let you do some burnies in my slow car.

Yes! Im sure it will hammer the tires off nicely.

Whos bringing cars to h20 so far?


No clue whos even going. But i am fucking inviting myself.

Thats the spirit! Yeh dude. You will have a blast. Such a sick time.

Ill probably get arrested the first 4hours.

Haha. We will video tape it. Don’t worry. Oh and OC police don’t take kindly to burnouts, and that kinda stuff during that weekend so im sure you will have no problem getting in all sorts of trouble.

lol you will be fine. Most of the staties on this route are pretty laid back toward tuners during the summer season. As long as you not doing something stupid they won’t hassle you. I am making a trip to miami with the s4 this coming summer to.

I would like to try and make it again whether I car pool with someone or fly down in the bird.

I wouldn’t bother taking the radar off for VA, I never did. Just don’t mount it directly in the middle of your windsheild.

They have radar detector detectors now. Id rather not risk it with someone elses as 4 people in our group got ticketd for it last year.

im driving down

I’ll be driving as well as my friend with his M3… and I’m sure many others

ill either catch a ride in any of the 403 tdi’s this forum has or ill be tooting and bootin the accord down there
