Anyone have a radar detector I can borrow?

Going down to richmond VA tommorow night till sunday late… was wondering if anyone has a Valentine/Escort they would not mind lending me for the weekend. Anyone on here who knows me more then just shady on shift518 can attest I’m a legit guy and will take care of it and make sure its returned safe.

Op is a scammer


Thanks for the great input bro! :rofl

I would let you borrow mine, but that means I cant drive than

Dude just don’t speed LOL. Ive driven errywhere without one lately. Why you in a rush?

Make sure you don’t use it while you’re in VA though, and keep it tucked away.

Yup, fully aware of that…

And Because… its a fucking 9 hour drive, wanna try and make it there in around ~7 1/2 8… on a tight time schedule

Figure it would be a longshot anyways to be honest, but meh… figured it was worth a try

Fuck that, Ive used mine in VA several times, works great. Just dont have it chilling in the middle of the windsheild

Used mine in VA for over two years now with one. I’ve only heard of one guy actually getting a ticket and it’s still way less than a speeding ticket.

It’ll be 8.5-9 at best if you’re doing it in the day, more like 10-11 if you take 95 at the wrong time.

If you want an easy 9-9.25hr drive almost every time, do 87 to 287 to 78 to 83 to 695 to 95, but you still cant hit Baltimore and DC at the wrong time. 95 straight down is a nightmare during the day, only use at night.

Dont be near DC (especially just south of it) from 5-7pm. Always take 495N/S around it, never through it like your GPS wants.

Just my $.02. I’ve been doing that trip every couple weeks for 6 years now.

will be traveling starting late tommorow night driving straight through and that route looks similar to what I had planned

If you’re leaving Albany after 5pm you’re probably good to shoot down 95. I’d still take 287 around NYC and go Jersey side past Philly. $15 in tolls later and you’ll be there.

I wanna move to DC, or Virginia

Shady buy my V940. $40

Ask 10secondC about not getting radar tickets in Va.

radar detector ticket in VA $100 which is way less than any speeding ticket there

OP cant drive 55

Is 95 faster than taking I-88 & I-81S? We are leaving early Friday AM (3:00) to go to DC for the weekend and are debating on which route to take… we figured I-88 would have less morning traffic than taking 95…

OP use cruise control!!!

I’d still take the 87-287-78-83-695 route to DC and you’d be fine on traffic. 88 to 81 is a long trip out of the way. $.02.

95 is obviously the direct route but there’s no surefire way from Alb to DC without getting traffichammerbanged if it’s during the day.

I will tell Wayne to change the route! Thanks! I kinda figured we’d hit traffic either way, which means huge rage-out’s from Wayne!

Takin the viper?