WTBorrow: V1 radar

I would like to borrow a V1 radar from Monday to Thursday because I’m driving down to Florida and back.



I need to buy a V1 for the sole purpose of renting it out

for real.

if someone sees this and is selling the newest version, holla.

I just want to make it down and back in a timely fashion with the new whip :slight_smile:

Unless you plan on going more then 90, dont worry about it. I went down and did 90 for the most part and was going with the flow of traffic. Took me 19hours to get down to Tampa driving straigt through. Probably coulda made it faster but the wife kept wanting to stop so she could get shit to eat.

dont worry about it we were doing 100+ on our way down to florida…keep your eyes open lolz and luck maybe on your side.