Need a tow plz

uhaul is a PITA when it comes to this. they input the car/truck info in the computer as well as the hitch(they check themselves) and enter the weight of the dolly and whatever car your pulling. so if it doesnt comply with their requirements they dont rent out the trailer.

ok, need a truck with a class III trailer hitch :confused:

just to be safe. when they ask you what car your towing just lie about it. tell them your towing 1500kg car or whatever. just tell them you need the bigger trailer to fit some tires that your also bringing.

nope…im better lol

you cant beat me falling asleep but still managing to hold stuff up while completely asleep. hehehehe

i meant im better…by actually being…better lol

maybe not, but i once saw angelica lift a whole fairlady Z with one hand… BY HERSELF!!! not a word of a lie.

Terry you lie. It was half a cut of a Fairlady Z.
Still an impressive achievement though. :wink:

lmao not quiittee

haha well still it wasnt myself…i was expecting it to be way heavier …plus maybe u guys arre just weaklings :stuck_out_tongue:

bump… need a truck :stuck_out_tongue: