need a visual on this

what exactly is a “douche canoe” ? does anybody have pics of this ? how did this come to be ? i think its funny as hell, and would like to see a rendition of this


baahhahaha… classic

how the fuck is that kid 20

hes not even supposed to be in those clubs! :smiley:

best thing about those guys is when they are shredded like that that have alot of mass and its visually impressive, but they are physically not very strong


yea… got a few guys like that here that come to the gyms, 18-22 rockin 220-275lbs with like bodyfat percetage of 4-8%, common, osmeones hitting the purple monkey magic horse pills, d-bol’s ftmfw and these guys cant even wipe their own asses like holy fuck, and farmer you are right these guys are all hollow, no stregnth just mass, like i out bench half these homo’s

WHY did i click that link LMAO oh god the music…they all think there so cool in the pictures lmao!!

they have the same pose and face in almost every pic